
A massage is an additional accompanying touching care

The benefits of a massage are innumerable and certain ones will not fail to astonish you!

belly massage

Alternate lateral smoothing ( )

Massage is the most common touching and can be defined as a therapy method or relaxation (massage therapy) or simply “well-being”.

A massage is distinguished by a manual work which is practised on the skin, on muscle-level, more or less energetically, in the form of gliding, rubbing movements, pressure, soft tapping, kneading, and on skeleton level by stretching, vibrations, mobilisations, successively implemented according to the applied massage.

thigh massage

Thigh massage
( ©2012 Dany, Relax&Mass',
Frédérique )

The manual massage can be practised on the floor, on a table or sitting, with or without oil, suitable dressed according the type of massage and in accordance with the personal, cultural and religious limits, dictated by the person who will be massaged or in an outfit proposed by the masseur. I grant the priority to the choice of the person who will be massaged, because the masseur has chosen to practise in all conscience a massage which is very probably according to the wish of the massaged person. That is expressing the respect of the other. We will never lose sight that the mutual respect is imperative and necessary for the good realisation of a massage performance.

We distinguish several sorts of massage according to the aimed objectives. The massage intended for a sportsman/woman, to reinforce the muscular capacities and compensate the fragility inherent in great sportsmen/women.
The therapeutic or repairing massage, reserved to official graduated physiotherapists, according to a medical prescription given by a doctor or a surgeon.
A relaxation or “well-being” massage, which should be authorised to any person who learned to do it in full knowledge of the facts.
A massage of pleasure, which is close to caresses or expressions of affectivity.
The energetic massage.
Etc. etc...

The benefits of the massage

belly massage two

alternated side smoothing (lifting) ( )


Most of the time, the massages result in a stimulation of the muscles in generating muscular warm-up.

Massages favour the elimination of toxins, as lactic acid or those generated by low quality of lymphatic circulation.
The immune system will we reinforced. The psychological balance also is improved because of the fact that we are showing an interest for the massaged person.
The emotions induced by the massages contribute to be able to position oneself with regard to himself and his innate and acquired characteristics.

Trusting oneself and his relation with others, contribute in highlighting ones performance capacities in society.
That can be the first step to approach the analyses of oneself followed by a search of personal development.




Well-being massage, with or without an energetic connection

The techniques and ways of massaging presenting on these webpages have no medical vocation. If the massaged person is recovering from any disorder, this can only be the result if the concerned person is recovering from a disorder, it can only be thanks to him/herself, in using consciously or unconsciously, the energies activated by the massage or any other opportunistic phenomenon.

massage lesson
film   Original video, Pierre Buron : refer to the video of massage lesson

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