The tantric massage


The etymological origines of the word « Tantra »:
Tan = weaving, “cloth”.
Tra = distribution, teaching, method.
We can recognize it as the method and his structure that will give Love or guide us towards Love.
What a beautiful story of the heart.

What is « Tantra» ?
Freud and Reich searched in the bases of the Tantra to try to establish a parallel with the western notion of the spirituality. These great designers of the psycho-sexual approaches did not penetrate the greatness. They deduct from it that it involved a simple dogmatic approach.


tantra and chakras

To synthesize what is proposing the tantra, a few lines appear rather poor, but it is out of the question to duck the issue with an impressive huge quantity of information.

The major notions are:
It’s not concerning a philosophy.
Everything should be lived as an event and be done in all conscience.
Our cultural and socio-educational conditioning are the major inhibitors of the tantric research.
The fear and/or the guilt as the impossibility to show any intuitive emotion, are burdens from which it will be necessary to get rid of.
The tantrika should be reborn in the early childhood enabling to revive the original purity. This come-back will be linked up to a new thinking, exempt of personal desires and the sacralisation or raising of the ego. Our cultural references hide our capacity to apprehend the Tantra in dressing it with conventional aspects. It’s on these points we will have to work and meditate.
As it does not concern a technique the tantric approach will be based on one’s personal experience ( while nevertheless inspiring oneself what you will have experienced in the tantric context )! Your way to practise will become yours and will become necessarily the good approach for yourself.

tantric massage reception

The tantric reception ( © JL Klefize studio )


How do we come there?
In opening the door of the space of infinite presence?
In acquiring the concealed concepts all along the way of the initiate?
No! It will be the pragmatism of the tantrika which will bring him to the best knowledge.


It’s therefore that the spiritual traditions have made history of the tantra, of their mark, while discovering what their rituals have revealed.
We find their references back in the shamanism, animism, shaktism, the Buddhism, the vedaism, the soufism, etc...


The principles

The tantric massage is the familiarization tool which makes easier the tantric exercise.

The sexuality is not only the sex. We can translate is as: if the energy comes very often from a releasing through the sexuality, the sexual purpose is not a necessity. Even if the sexual nature of the person is an evidence.

The different stratums of the energy structure are set up by a succession of principles arranged from outside towards inside:
- Sex is completely exterior of the whole built up by body and spirit.
- Love is more situated inside.
- Then it’s the turn of the spiritual side.
- Divinity is in the middle of all this.

The absence of rules animates this principle. It permits the generation of all the movements which link us to the universe. The conscience and the fullness of the present moment support the refusal of the voluntary and carefully thought out action. It’s the way towards the accession to multiple corporal dimensions and to Life, as simple as that. The Taoist principle of Yin and Yang is omnipresent. All this should permit us to access a conscious of the spiritual reality of our body, as much as in its physical dimension as psychologically, emotionally and more. The automatic reflexes and not being present are synonym with impurity. We can claim that it concerns a spirituality without constraints, without dogma, without partition, without device...

The different trends

First of all we can recognize the White Tantras, with their austerity, but also with their profound respect of the individual.
Followed by the Red Tantras, with their sexual practices and variants without any limit. Homosexual practices are allowed.
Finally there are the Black Tantras, whose magic and shaman practices are a privilege.
We can find a lot of variants generated by the confusion between Red and Black Tantras and certain excesses...

The foundation of Tantra

the sky fire

The tantric fire ( ©Dany, Clisson 2003 )

Tantra is based on the intention.
The non-intention is presiding over his exercise...


This base is present in each individual, whatever his origin and his beliefs!
To live at the level of a well present Tantra, it is not mandatory to appeal to a complex and repulsive initiation, to lend oneself to bold and incomprehensible rituals!


Each person is approaching it at his/her convenience, it’s that which guarantees the key of success.
It’s a support and opening towards the conscious of everything which is.


In life of every day

These principles must serve as a guiding principle, for our behaviour and our relations with the others, for our integration into nature, for our conscience to be an element of the Universe...


Shiva and Shakti

They exist as symbols and not as gods! They are the forces which will have been implemented to seek the truth.
Shiva is the representation of the non-formulated obviousness. It symbolises the strong energies which move away from the spiritual quest. As for every female principle, nothing could live without her.


Yoga and tantrism

We remark the Yoga with a sexual component. Their principles probably astonish us. The meeting of Yoga and tantrism gave them birth, with all the incomprehension and misused customs which you can find on Internet.


Kundalini Yoga

The mystical and mythical aspects of the rituals are expressed through the conception which governs Kundalini-Yoga or Laya.

The inferior half of the body is the expression of the inferior half of the world.
The superior half of the body is the expression of the superior half of the world.
The highest circle is the expression of the pure consciousness.
From there, we can imagine the circuit that is covering the Kundali: the snake, symbol of the woken up or activated energy. In most of the persons, this snake is asleep at the root of the linga or lingam which is situated in the middle of the inferior circle, in other words the male genitalia, where it (organ or energy) represents the Shakti of each male human being. Its waking up is breaking the six circles when we are using the energies of the breathing. Its ascent is starting from the sacrum and is then going up via the spine to finally arrive in the brains; where it indices the high spiritual conscience. This route will have to be practised several times in all conscious and the energy will be finally put at rest at the belly level to permit to come back to the simple terrestrial world.

To summarize:
The good assimilation of tantrism is translated by one’s self-confidence, the confidence in one’s own body and the confidence in the other.


The practice of the tantric massage

Tantric massage occupies a limited place in the Tantric principle. It’s only existing by the easiness that you get to approach the spirituality of the touching, to possibly go towards the interweaving of two bodies, until the body-spiritual fusion and the ecstasy. It’s a moment of relaxation, the ability to get acquainted with the other, to glorify his/her body, to reveal its spirit, to consider its soul and to recognize its divine essence... The hands, but also the whole body of the masseur (masseuse) is including the massaged body to evoke the fusional search of instants which can follow the massage. Here, no technique, but the intuition which is guided by the empathic capacities of the masseur.


tantric massage
film   Video Source YouTube : watch the tantric massage

film   Video Source YouTube : watch tantric-massage

film   Video Source YouTube : watch red tantric practices

film   Video Source Ayuneda : watch the Ayuneda tantric massage

film   Video Source YabYummy (gone now) : watch the sexual tantric massage

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